YSR Bima Scheme Complete Information YSR Bima Scheme Complete Information

YSR Bima Scheme Complete Information

YSR Bima Scheme Complete Information

Objective :
To provide relief to the bereaved families of the BPL in case of death or disability of the PBE to mitigate the financial impact resulting from the loss of primary income source. |

Eligibility :
Only one person per family shall be recognized as the PBE to be eligible under the scheme.An individual shall be listed member of the family in a rice card. An individual shall be identified by the family members as the PBE as defined A rice cardholder who is identified by the family members as an earning member of the family and whose income/earning is a source for sustaining the members of the family or other dependents. An individual shall be of eligible age as define as

  • In case of Natural Death, an individual shall be 18 years to 50 years, as on the day of 30th June. For claim the insured person should not have attained 51years on the date of death 
  • In case of Accidental Death/Permanent Disability due to accident, an individual shall be 18 years to 70 years, as on the day of 30th June. For claim the insured person should not have attained 71years on the date of accident The age evaluation shall be done based on the basis of valid Aadhaar card or any other document as specified in the notification under section 7 of the Aadhaar Act
      An individual shall belong to BPL family as defined as 

  • In rural areas, Family having income up to Rs. 10,000/- per month i.e., Rs.1.20 lakh per year and in urban areas up to Rs. 12,000/- per month i.e., Rs.1.44 lakh per year from all sources of income 
  • Family having agriculture land not exceeding 10 acres dry or 3 acres wet or total land both dry and wet together not exceeding 10 acres 
  • Family having own or rented house whose average monthly electricity consumption less than 300 units. 
  • Family having own house of less than 1000 Sq. Ft in Urban Areas 
  • Family where there is no government employee 
  • Family not having own motorized four-wheeler. However, family having taxis, Auto and Tractors used for agriculture purposes are eligible 
  • Family not having any member as Income Tax Payee 

Relief :

  • Rs.1.00 lakh relief amount to be paid to the nominees in case of Natural Death of a YSR Bima rice cardholder in the age group of 18-50 years. The relief amount under YSR Bima Scheme shall be paid directly by the State Government through GVWV & VSWS Department 
  •  Rs.5.00 lakh relief amount to be paid to the nominees/beneficiariesin case of Accidental Death/Permanent Disability of a YSR Bima rice cardholder in the age group of 18-70 years. The relief amount shall be paid directly by the Insurance Company 

Documents required for the claims : 

  • a. Copy of the proof of age 
  • b. Copy of the rice card 
  • c. Death Certificate issued by Panchayat Secretary (or) Municipal Commissioner (or) Disability Certificate issued by Civil Assistant Surgeon in case of disability 
  • d. Copy of Bank Passbook (or) Cancelled Cheque for Bank Account Details of the nominee in case of death /YSR Bima cardholder in case of disability 
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) 

For Enrolment of Members under YSR Bima:

Role of Grama/Ward Volunteer: 
For Surveyed members:
  • The Grama/Ward Volunteer shall visit door to door of rice card family and select/enter the rice card number in YSR Bima volunteer mobile app .
  • Based on the information available in the YSR Bima volunteer mobile app, the PBE is already identified for a rice card. The volunteer shall verify from the family members in the rice card whether the selected person is the PBE or not? .
  • If yes, the volunteer may continue for eKYC 
  • If not, the volunteer shall select a family member as the PBE based on the consent of the family members 
  • Enter the Aadhaar number of the PBE 
  • Capture eKYC through biometric and verify the data with UIDAI
  • Verify Name, Father/Husband Name, Age, Caste, Caste Category of the Bread Earner. 
  • Capture details of the nominee such as Name, Aadhaar, DOB, Relation and Bank Account (if available) 
  • If nominee is a minor GV/WV shall capture details of an appointee/guardian such as Name, Aadhaar, Relation 
  • GV/WV shall give consent to disclaimer and authenticate using Aadhaar biometric 
  • Data shall be submitted
For Non-surveyed members:
  • The Grama/Ward Volunteer shall visit door to door of rice card family and select/enter the rice card number in YSR Bima volunteer mobile app 
  • The volunteer shall select a family member as the PBE based on the consent of the family members 
  • Enter the Aadhaar number of the PBE 
  • Capture eKYC through biometric and verify the data with UIDAI 
  • Enter Father/Husband Name, Age, Caste, Caste Category of the PBE d. Capture details of the nominee such as Name, Aadhaar, DOB, Relation and Bank Account (if available) 
  • If nominee is a minor GV/WV shall capture details of an appointee/guardian such as name, Aadhaar, relation with the minor 
  • GV/WV shall give consent to disclaimer and authenticate using Aadhaar biometric 
  • Data shallbe submitted 

Role of Welfare Education Assistant/Ward Welfare & Development Secretary:
  • The WEA/WWDSshall visit door to door of rice card family and select/enter the rice card number in YSR Bima WEA mobile app 
  • Verify whether the selected person is PBE or not? 
  • If yes, the WEA/WWDS shall continue for eKYC 
  • If not WEA/WWDS, shall select a family member as PEB based on the consent of the family members 
  • Enter Aadhaar number of the PBE f. Verify PBE details such as Name, Father/Husband Name, Age, Caste, Caste Category 
  • Verify the nominee details such as name, Aadhaar, DOB, relation 
  • If nominee is a minor, the verify appointee/guardian details such as Name, Aadhaar, Relation with the minor 
  • WEA/WWDS may change/update any detail wherever applicable 
  • WEA/WWDS shall give the consent to disclaimer and authenticate using Aadhaar biometric 
  • Data shallbe submitted
Service Level Agreement (SLA) for YSR Bima Enrolment:

For Appointment & Change of Nominee:
Appointment of Nominee:
PBE shall appoint a spouse or child or dependent to be their nominee in accordance with Section 39 of Insurance Act 1938 and subsequent amendment in 2015. If the PBE does not have a spouse or child/children or dependents, then they shall appoint their legal representative to be the nominee. In case the nominee is a minor, then the PBE shall appoint an appointee/guardian to receive the benefit of the assurance. 

Change of Nominee:
The change of nominee shallbe initiated in two scenarios: 
  • In case the PBE wants to change the nominee: The PBE shall be required to fill a form for change of nominee and submit the same to the WEA 
  • In case the nominee is dead or untraceable: The WEA shall initiate the nominee change process and a request shall be initiated to the Village Revenue Officers (VRO). The VRO shall initiate change of nominee request for appointing a new nominee (from the existing family member of the YSR Bima rice cardholder) in line with the Section 39 of the Indian Insurance Act, 1938 and subsequent amendment in 2015. The VRO shall collect the family member certificate from the selected family member before approving the request for appointing a new nominee. 

SOP for payment of Interim Relief Amount (in case of natural / accidental death) :
  • The nominee/family member/any person in the village or ward shall intimate about the event of death to the Volunteer/Functionary in Village/Ward Secretariat 
  • The WEA/WWDS along with concerned GV/WV, shall visit the YSR Bima cardholder’s family to confirm the genuineness of the claim prima-facie and accordingly the WEA/WWDS in Village/Ward Secretariat shall initiate the claim registration process by taking Rice Card Number or Aadhaar number of the YSR Bima cardholder and register the claim 
  • Imprest amount for Funeral Expenses: An amount of Rs.20,000/- shall be deposited in GSWS Funeral Charges Bank Account by GVWV & VSWS Department for meeting the interim relief of Rs. 10,000/- towards funeral expenses from time to time 
  • After the claim is registered, the WEA/WWDSalong with concerned GV/WV shall visit the YSR Bima cardholder’s family and handover Rs.10,000/-in cash as interim relief (towards funeral expenses) to the nominee within 24 hoursfrom the time of claim registration 
  • WEA/WWDS shall collect the acknowledgement through eKYC from the nominee/family member on YSR Bima WEA app from the nominee/family on handover of interim relief Rs.10,000/- within 3 days from the date of claim registration 
  • WEA/WWDS shall maintain Bima Register for funeral expenses payment 
  • WEA/WWDS shall upload the day-to-day transactions of funeral expenses on the YSR Bima web portal 
  • The WEA/WWDS shall upload the books of accounts on theYSR Bimaweb portal 
  • GVWV & VSWS Department shall release the imprest amount to the Village/Ward Secretariats’ Funeral Charges Bank Account upon uploadingthe day-to-day transactions and books of accounts details on the YSR Bima web portal 

SOP for Insurance Claim Settlement Process: 
Period for registration of claims:All the claims received from the insured’s nominee/legal heir/s within the policy period and within 90 days from the date of incident/accident shallbe accepted 

In case of Natural Death, process of Insurance claim:
  • GV/WV shalldownload the Claim Application Form from the web portal and obtain signatures from the nomineealong with a copy of the following documents: 
      i. Rice Card/Aadhaar of the YSR Bima Cardholder 
      ii. Rice Card/Aadhaar of the nominee  
      iii. Nominee bank details 
      iv. Bank passbook/cancelled cheque 
  • Panchayat Secretary (PS) in case of Gram Panchayats (GP), Municipal Commissioner (MC) in case of Municipalities or Medical officers in case of death at hospital, shall register the death and upload the death certificate on the web portal within 5 days from the date of claim registration 
  • WEA/WWDS along with the concerned GV/WV shall collect the documents as per checklistwithin 8 days from the date of claim registration 
  • The WEA/WWDS shall scrutinizeall the collected documents, authorize, and upload the same on the web portal within 1 day from the date of receipt of documents. The WEA/WWDS shall maintainthe physical documents of all the claims and file them properly for future reference 
  • After due scrutiny of the claim application, the concerned MPDO/MC shall authorize & forward all the uploaded documents to Joint Collector (Asara)within 3 days from the date of upload of documents. In case any discrepancyis found with respect to the documents uploaded, the application shallbe sent back to the WEA/WWDS. The WEA/WWDS shall coordinate with the concerned GV/WV for rectification of the documents sent by MPDO/MC. The WEA/WWDS shall collect the corrected documents and re-submit the same to MPDO/MCon YSR Bima web portal 
  • The APM, DPM and computer operator shallassist JC (Asara) to verify the documents uploaded, post which JC (Asara) shallsanction and forwardthe claimto GVWV & VSWS Department,within 3 days from the date of approval by concerned MPDO/MC.In case any discrepancy is found with respect to the documents uploaded, the application shallbe sent back to the WEA/WWDS. The WEA/WWDS shallcoordinate with the concerned GV/WV for rectification of the documents sent by JC (Asara).. The WEA/WWDS shall collect the corrected documents and re-submit the same to MPDO/MCon YSR Bima web portal 
  • Irrespective of the discrepancies due to return of the documents at any stage, JC (Asara) shall ensure that the required documents in the prescribed formats shall be submitted to GVWV & VSWS Department within 15 days 
  • The Additional Commissioner, Finance,GVWV & VSWS Department, after verification of the claim, shallprocess the file for sanction of amount Rs.90,000/- to Director, GVWV & VSWS Department within 7 days from the date of claim authorization/sanction by JC (Asara) 
  • The Director, GVWV & VSWS Department, shall sanction the claim amount within 2 days from the date of receipt of file from the Additional Commissioner, Finance. The claim amount duly deducting the interim relief amount shallbe directly transferred to the nominee’s bank account through DBT 
  • WEA/WWDS shalldownload the claim sanction letterfrom the web portal and hand over the sameto the nominee duly taking acknowledgement through eKYC within 24 hours of the claim settlement along with the concerned 

SLA for Insurance claim in case of Natural Death:
 Note: SLA is calculated in number of working days 

In case of Accidental Death, process of Insurance Claim:
  • GV/WV shalldownload the Claim Application Form from the web portal and obtain signatures from the nominee along with a copy of the following documents: 
      i. Rice Card/Aadhaar of the policyholder 
      ii. Rice Card/Aadhaar of the nominee  
      iii. Nominee bank details 
      iv. Bank passbook 
  • Registration of the complaint and uploading FIR copy by the SHO/DCRB with in 2 days from the date of claimregistration 
  • Panchayat secretary in case of Gram Panchayats, Municipal Commissioner in case of Municipalities or Medical officers in case of death at hospital, 1 Assisted by APM, DPM & computer operator  shall register the death and upload the death certificate on the web portal with in 5 days from the date of claim registration 
  • Medical officer shallissue thepost-mortem certificate to the concerned officer in the Police Department (SHO/DCRB) within 7 days from the date of claim registration 
  • Police Inquest Report and the Post-mortem reports shall be uploaded by the SHO/DCRB within8 days from the date of claim registration 
  • Forensic Laboratory Report (RFSL)[in special cases] shallbe issued and uploaded on the web portal within 21 days from the date of claim registration 
  • Medical officer shallissuefinal opinion certificate to the SHO/DCRB within 2 days after receipt of RFSL [in special cases] h. SHO/DCRB shallupload final investigation report within 25 days from date of claim of registration [in special cases] 
  • Mahila Police shall be responsible to pursue and collect relevant documents from the concerned SHO/DCRB & Medical Officers and GV/WV shall collect all other documents from the nominee as per the checklist and submit to WEA/WWDS 
       i. Within 11 days from date of claim registration in case of                     normal accidents 
       ii. Within 27 days from the date of claim registration, in special              cases where RFSL report is required 
  • The WEA/WWDS shall scrutinize all the documents received from GV/WV, and scan&upload on the web portal within1 day from the date of receipt of documents. The WEA/WWDS shall maintain the physical documents of all the claims and file them properly for future reference 
  • The concerned MPDO/MC shall authorize & forward all the uploaded documents. After scrutiny, they shall submit the application to Joint Collector (Asara) within 3 days from the date of upload of documents. In case any discrepancy is found with respect to the documents uploaded, the application shallbe sent back to the WEA/WWDS. The WEA/WWDS shallcoordinate with the concerned GV/WV for rectification of the documents. The WEA/WWDS shall collect the corrected documents from the concerned GV/WV and shall re-submit the same to concerned MPDO/MC 
  • The APM, DPM and computer operator shallverify the documents uploaded post which JC (Asara) shallauthorize & forward the claim within 3 days from the date of approval by the concerned MPDO/MC. The application shall be submitted to Insurance Company. In case any discrepancy is found with respect to the documents uploaded, the application shallbe sent back to the WEA/WWDS. The WEA/WWDS shallcoordinate with the concerned GV/WV for rectification of the documents. The WEA/WWDS shall collect the corrected documents from the concerned GV/WV and shall re-submit the same 
  • Irrespective of the discrepancies due to return of the documents at any stage, JC (Asara) shall ensure that the required documents in the prescribed formats shall be submitted toInsurance Companywithin 18 days. In special cases where FSL certificate is required JC (Asara) shall ensure that the required documents in the prescribed formats shall be submitted to Insurance Company within 34 days 
  • The Insurance company shallverify the documents to sanction the claim amount and release the amount to the nominee of the YSR Bima cardholderwithin 7 days from the date of sanction by JC (Asara). In case any discrepancy is found with respect to the documents uploaded, the application shallbe sent back to the WEA/WWDS. The WEA/WWDS shallcoordinate with the concerned GV/WV for rectification of the documents. The WEA/WWDS shall collect the corrected documents from the concerned GV/WV and shall re-submit the same 
  • GV/WV shalldownload the claim sanction letter from the YSR Bima web portal and hand over the same to the nominee duly taking acknowledgement through eKYC and upload it on the YSR Bima volunteer mobile app within 24 hours of claim settlement 

SLA for Insurance claim in case of Accidental Death:
Note: SLA is calculated in number of working days

In case of Permanent Disability due to Accident, process of Insurance Claim:  
  • Registration of the claim shallbe initiated by WEA/WWDS in Village/Ward Secretariat, subject to eligibility of the YSR Bima Cardholderwithin 24 hours from the date of accident 
  • A copy of the FIR shallbe uploaded by the SHO/DCRB within2 days of claim registration 
  • Mahila Policeshallcollect the following documents within1 week of claim registration 
      i. Hospital discharge summary sheet 
     ii. Disability photograph 
  • WEA/WWDS shall upload the hospital discharge summary sheet, wound certificate & full disability photograph within 24 hours from the date of receipt of documents from Mahila Police 
  • SADAREM certificate shallbe uploaded by the Director, Medical Education Departmentwithin30daysfrom the date of registration claim 
  • GV/WV shall collect the required documents and handover the same to the WEA/WWDS as per check list within39 days from the date of claim registration 
  • The WEA/WWDS shall scrutinize all the documents received from GV/WV, scan, and upload in the web portal within1 day from the date of receipt of documents from GV/WV. The WEA/WWDS shall maintain the physical documents of all the claims and file them properly for future reference 
  • The concerned MPDO/MC shall verify all the uploaded documents. After scrutiny, they shall authorize & forward the application to Joint Collector (Asara) within 3 days from the date of upload of documents. In case any discrepancy is found with respect to the documents uploaded, the application shallbe sent back to the WEA/WWDS. The WEA/WWDS shallcoordinate with 3 Assisted by APM, DPM & computer operator the concerned GV/WV for rectification of the documents. The WEA/WWDS shall collect the corrected documents from the concerned GV/WV and shall re-submit the same 
  • The APM, DPM and computer operator shallverify the documents uploaded post which JC (Asara) shall authorize & forward the claim within 3 days from the date of approval by concerned MPDO/MC. The application shallbe submitted to the Insurance Company. In case any discrepancy is found with respect to the documents uploaded, the application shallbe sent back to the WEA/WWDS. The WEA/WWDS shallcoordinate with the concerned GV/WV for rectification of the documents. The WEA/WWDS shall collect the corrected documents from the concerned GV/WV and shall re-submit the documents 
  •  Irrespective of the discrepancies due to return of the documents at any stage, JC (Asara) shall ensure that the required documents in the prescribed formats shall be submitted to Insurance Companywithin 46 days.
  • The Insurance Companyshallundertakeduescrutiny, and the claim amount shallbe calculated & sent to YSR Bima cardholder through DBT within7 daysfrom the date of claim authorization/sanction by JC (Asara). In case any discrepancy is found with respect to the documents uploaded, the application shallbe sent back to the WEA/WWDS. The WEA/WWDS shallcoordinate with the concerned GV/WV for rectification of the documents. The WEA/WWDS shall collect the corrected documents from the concerned GV/WV and shall re-submit the same 
  • GV/WV shalldownload the claim sanction letter from the web portal and hand over the same to the YSR Bima cardholder duly taking acknowledgement through eKYC and upload it on the YSR Bima volunteer mobile app within 24 hours of claim settlement 
  • If any claim is rejected by the Insurance Company, relevantinformation pertaining to the rejection along with the reasons shallbe intimated to the YSR Bima cardholder by the concerned GV/WV 

SLA for Insurance claim in case of Permanent Disability due to Accident:
Note: SLA is calculated in number of working days

Roles and Responsibilities

Grama/Ward Volunteer: 
  • Adhere to the SLA fixed by the GVWV & VSWS Department 
  • Creation of awareness related to YSR Bima,among the families intheir cluster 
  • Evaluate the eligibility with respect to the scheme and enrolment thereafter 
  • Maintain a list of all the members covered/enrolled under YSR Bima 
  • Distribution of YSR Bima identity cards to all the members enrolled in the cluster 
  • Communicate all the claim related details to WEA/WWDS,in case any enrolled member dies either byaccident or natural death, in their cluster area 
  • Visit the bereaved family after registration of the claim and verify the details of the claimie date of death, place of death and cause of death 
  • Ensure payment ofinterim relief of Rs. 10,000/- to the nominee as advance claim amount as funeral expense 
  • Obtain acknowledgementfrom the nominee through eKYC,for payment of interim relief of Rs.10,000/- 
  • Download the claim application form and discharge voucher (for accidental claims) from the YSR Bima web portal and obtain signature of the nominee 
  • Collect copy of Rice Card/Aadhaarcards and SB Account passbook of YSR Bima cardholder and nominee 
  • Support nominee in opening a SB account, in case they do not have the same 
  • Distribute claim sanction letter to the nominee along with the WEA/WWDS and take acknowledgement through eKYC 

  • Adhere to the SLA fixed by the GVWV & VSWS Department 
  • Responsible for enrolment of all eligible members into YSR Bima 
  • Distribution of YSR Bima ID Cards to the members enrolled in the scheme 
  • Visit the bereaved family along with concerned GV/WV on the same day of incidentand extend moral supportand to pay Rs. 10,000/- as immediate assistance 
  • Monitoring of claims registered in the Village/Ward Secretariat 
  • Collect all the required documents along with concernedGV/WV and initiate claim settlement process by uploading the same on YSR Bima web portal 
  • Maintain GSWS Funeral Charges Bank Account and update day-to-day transactions 
  • Maintain Bima Register and other books of accounts 
  • Maintain all physical records of claim settlement documents of each YSR Bima rice cardholder and file them properly for future reference 
  • Download claim sanction letter and distribute it to the nomineewithGrama/WardVolunteer and take acknowledgement through eKYC  
Mahila Police :
  • Adhere to the SLA fixed by the GVWV & VSWS Department 
  • In case of accidental deaths or permanent disability due to any accident, coordinate & follow-up with SHO/DCRB, Medical Officer and other concerned officers to collect required document/reports and submit to WEA/WWDS 

  • Adhere to the SLA fixed by the GVWV & VSWS Department 
  • Ensure enrolment of all individuals eligible under the scheme 
  • Monitor the claims registered by WEA/WWDSon day-to-day basis 
  • Validate all the documents uploaded by WEA/WWDS 
  • Coordinate with line departments for issue/pendency relatedto thecertificates (i.e. Death Certificate, FIR, InquestReport, Post-Mortem Examination Report, RFSL Report, Final Opinion Report, Police FinalReport, Family Member Certificate) for submission of claim documents 
  • Trackthe funeral charges bank account for all the Secretariat in their jurisdiction on day-to-day basis and report discrepancy (if any) to GVWV & VSWS Department 
  • Responsible officer of all the YSR BIMA scheme related activities in respective Mandals/ULBs h. Shall monitor day-to-day progress of the enrolment to YSR BIMA under their jurisdiction 
Joint Collector (Asara):
Responsible for ensuring effective implementation of YSR BIMA scheme and related activities in the district. At district level, he has the approval authority for any claim under Natural death and forwarding authority to Insurance Company for any claim under accidental death or permanent disability due to accident. 
  • Adhere to the SLA fixed by the GVWV & VSWS Department 
  • Ensure review of all the interim relief payments made to the nominee of the YSR Bima cardholder’s family 
  • Follow-up with WEA/WWDSto upload claim documents as per SLA 
  • Follow-up with MPDOs/MCs to approve claim documents as per SLA 
  • Validateall the documents uploaded by WEA/WWDS 
  • Monitor theInsurance Company’s claim status 
  • Monitor thedocuments required by the Insurance Company and compliance to the same 
  • Undertake detailed review of the scheme once in every 15 days with all the concerned district-level officials and submit a report to the District Collector on the same 
  • Member convener for the district level monitoring committee for theYSR Bima scheme 
  • Undertake grievance redressals  
Nodal Agency: 
  • MOU/Agreement shall enter with General Insurance Company to provide Group Accidental Insurance Policy for all enrolled PBEs 
  • Master policy for all enrolled PBEs with the Insurance Company by paying premium amount 
  • Issue guidelines from time to time about the age and eligibility criteria for enrolment under the YSR Bima scheme 
  • Issue separate unique ID card for each YSR Bima rice cardholder along with a standardized introduction letter from Hon’ble Chief Minister addressed to each YSR Bima rice cardholder’s family enumerating the benefits, process, procedures, timelines, and grievance redressal mechanism of the scheme 
  • Shall coordinate with all concerned implementing agencies to adopt a strong IT based system 
  • Shall coordinate with APGIC for providing technical support for effective implementation of the scheme 
  • Fund Manager – pool, maintain & administer funds 
  • Release of funds to GVWV & VSWS Department towards Imprest amount 
  • Payment of premium amount to the Insurance Company in case of deaths/permanent disability due to accidents 
  • Release of funds to GVWV & VSWS Department towards payment of insurance claim in case of natural death 
  • Release of administrative costs to GVWV & VSWS Department which includes YSR Bima Cell in Head Office, Support staff for JC (Asara) at districts, IT infrastructure, software development & maintenance, office furniture andstationery 
  • The Nodal Agency shallevaluate that YSR Bima cardholder covered under the scheme is in the respective age group as per the eligibility criteria of the scheme 

Implementing Agency:
  • EstablishState Level Project Management Unit at head office duly deploying staff from SERP 
  • Establish Unique Tollfree Number for claim intimation/registration/grievance etc., 
  • Provide bank accountsfor transaction/process of claim amount received from the Insurance Company and imprest amount for funeral expenses from the Labour Department 
  • Timely release of imprest amount to GSWS Funeral Charges Bank Accountopened in all village/ward secretariats 
  • Share YSR Bima cardholder related details with the Nodal Agency for facilitating issuance of the Bima ID Cards 
  • Create a dedicated “New YSR BIMA” webportal to capture the information pertaining to YSR BIMA claim enrolment, registration, processing, and settlement. All reports pertaining to enrolment details, Insurance Company wise registered, settled, rejected & balance reports shallbe made available through MIS 
  • Coordinate with all line departments (Police Dept, DCRB, RFSL, Medical & Health Dept., Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Dept, Municipal Administration & Urban Development Dept.) to review or suggest changes pertaining to the scheme, wherever applicable 
  • Conduct periodical review meetings with line departments, under the Chairmanship of the Special Chief Secretary to Government, GVWV&GSWS Department 
Insurance Company: 
  • Maintain logins provided to the Insurance Company to access the documents received with respect to YSR Bima claim 
  • Download claim related documents on day-to-day basis using login ID from the YSR Bima web portalfor processing of claims as per the terms and condition of the MoU/Agreement 
  • Upload claims status on the YSR Bima web portal on day-to-day basis 
  • Release the insurance claim amount to nominee/YSR Bima cardholder 
  • Release interim reliefamount for funeral charges to GVWV & VSWS Department after settlement of claim 
YSR Bima Call Centre, Visakhapatnam:
  • Shall pursue all the stakeholders to ensure settlement of claim in line with the SLAs 
  • Shall track and take appropriate action on the YSR Bima claim applications based on the SLA status 
  • Shall record, monitor, and track status of the grievances pertaining to YSR Bima scheme from citizens/YSR Bima cardholders/nominees/family members 
  • Shall pursue the stakeholders responsible for grievance redressal to ensure the grievances are resolved in time 
  • Shall maintain daily reports of calls received for YSR Bima claim registration 
  • Shall maintain record pertaining to status of approval, rejection, loan disbursement for all YSR Bima claim applications 
  • Shall maintain a record of all the claims registered in last 30 days along with the application status 
  • Shall reconcile the payment of interim relief amount paid with the acknowledgement received 

YSR Bima Monitoring &Review Committees

State Level Monitoring Committee  :
The Committee shall meet once in three months to review the district-wise implementation progress of the scheme and submit a report to the Government with specific observations and recommendations, if any, to improve the performance.

District Level Monitoring and Review Committee:

The Joint Collector (Asara) shall undertake detailed review of the scheme once in every 15 days with all the concerned district-level officials and shall submit a report to the District Collector on the same The Committee shall meet monthly to review the district-wise implementation progress of the scheme and submit a report to the Director, GVWV & VSWS Department with specific observations and recommendations, if any, to improve the performance with a copy to the Special Commissioner of Labour.

Grievance Redressal :
Any grievance related to  
  • Enrolment of beneficiaries 
  • Registration of claims 
  • Registration of nominees 
may be addressed to the Joint Collector (Asara). In case duringclaim settlement, if any dispute arises against the Insurance Company, the individual shallfile a complaint before the District Consumer Forum or Insurance Ombudsman only. 

Claim Management System:
A dedicated “YSR Bima” webportal shall capture the information pertaining to YSR Bima enrolment, claim registration, processing, and settlement. Additionally, all reports pertaining to the enrolment details, settled, rejected and balance reports shall be made available through the MIS.  

Workflow Diagrams

In case of Natural Death: 

In case of Accidental Death: 

In case of Permanent Disability due to Accident:

documents required for specific kinds of accidents : CLICK HERE